Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Some things are in the works over here at Casa Babydreams... For one I talked to a new lawyer in the great state of TEXAS regarding contracts and PBO (pre-birth order) and all that jazz. She was super nice and extremely helpful (and she suggested I sue for breach of contract regarding the other issue that we will no longer speak about because it chaps my ass). I have decided she is THE ONE that we will use. We are aggressively moving funds around scouring our bills and tightening our budget even more in order to pull cycle #4 out of our asses in February or March. So if I am talking about moving ahead in February or March that means... WE MIGHT HAVE A SURROGATE!! I say MIGHT because we still have some things to work out, think about and talk about, but on paper and on phone she seems lovely.. That's about all I will say right now, but it feels AMAZING to know we might just pull this off in spite of the enormous betrayal, setbacks and bullshit that have been thrown in our path.. Thank you to all who have commented, read and been there for me. I LOVE Y'ALL!!


  1. Whew!! I am so glad you're not using the same person!!! Keep holding your head up. You are an amazing person and I hope things can be set right (or as right as you can in this situation). Best of luck!!!!! :D

  2. Im so glad everything is falling into place for you!

  3. Glad to hear things are moving along!

  4. So glad to hear things are falling into place!! So happy to hear that!! :)

  5. i will be keeping you in my prayers! good luck Tonya!


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