Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tomorrow....You're only a day away....

Tomorrow is the big day. I am hoping the test results don't take too long to come back, but who knows, it's been AGES since I have delved down this road and I don't remember how long it took everything to come in. I do know that I will be able to see my ovaries and see if there are lots of follicles brewing or not, so at least that is something, but the waiting will be on for that elusive FSH test. I will definitely be asking them how long for that to come in as soon as they start drawing blood! Nothing much else going on, doing ALOT of fundraising for our journey by getting rid of stuff we don't need or can live without and going over our budget with a fine-tooth comb and trimming where we can, that's about all. Coupons are a way of life now and anything saved goes to the "baby2011" fund. feel free to check out our efforts here: Baby fundraising and here:Babydreams Baby fundraising 
Oh and we watched Children of Men last night... Very good movie! Sad, interesting and definitely a must see.. That is all...

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