Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

This Mother's Day is even more special than the previous years! I am  finally getting the family that I wanted.. That means more to me than I can express. My boys are being perfect gentlemen today AND they are excited to have a sibling coming and I finally gave them the OK to tell whoever they wanted at school. I had waffles and bacon and only had to help some (LOL!) I was also informed that I do NOT have to help with dinner since the menfolk are making it! I asked what we are having and they said whatever you want us to order! (Gotta love them!) I chose not to go out to dinner today because everyone and their mother (pun intended!) will be out today and I don't want to fight the crowds! So we will just go out Wednesday for hubs birthday and celebrate both then! Today shall be full of couch riding and mindless tv and probably a load or two of laundry! But that's OK, I love being "Mom" I hope all you ladies enjoy your mother's day! And all of you fellas that are being both mom and dad to your little ones, Happy mother's day to you too!


  1. Happy Mother's Day, Tonya! Sounds like you had a great Mom kind of day! Bacon, waffles, couch riding?!?! Sounds perfect to me! :)

  2. Happy belated mother's day...I'm
    Sure it was the best one yet!!


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