Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Transfer Completed!

We are officially in the TWO WEEK WAIT!! We had THREE Grade A embryos transferred to my sweet friend! They were (2) 8cells and (1) 7cell! We are really excited! Our Beta is in 12 days on 6/20.. We are on team POAS so we will definitely be squinting and checking those HPT's shortly!! I can't believe after this long journey we have made it to transfer!! Thank you to everyone who is always commenting and emailing me with their support, it means the world to me... Stay tuned, this journey is JUST starting!!


  1. Can't wait to hear about the BFP!! And you HAVE TO post HPT's mandatory!

  2. Krystal- I know, I know, LOL!! I gotta remind her to take pics tho!

    Andrea- I KNOW GIRL!! So excited!! =)

  3. Woohoo! Good embies! I'll be following waiting for that positive!

  4. Wishing you the BEST!! Can't wait to hear some news... the waiting game is the worst!!

  5. Hang on tight little embies!!! So excited for you!

  6. so excited for you - i'm still having probs w/ commenting so just doing it as anonymous and must say it has been killing me not to wish you luck and all that...I've been reading every blog! Can't wait to hear results.



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