Thursday, June 21, 2012

17w6d: Gender Reveal we have....

A VERY shy little one! The ultrasound experience over the phone was AH-MAZING!! Even though the little one decided NOT to show us the good for almost the entire ultrasound!! It was so funny, they were trying like mad to get the legs to open, but umbilical cord was in the way, or the legs were tightly crossed OR the knees were bunched up to the face! Finally just before she was going to give up and move on, the legs parted and they got to see
What was so awesome is that we found out right when it happened! I am THRILLED to be adding another boy to my gang!!! I don't think I am going to stop smiling today!!



  1. Congratulations! As a mum to 3 boys, I can tell you that you will have many years of love and affection to come and not to mention all the adventures you'll get to have.

  2. Yaaaaasswhooooo congratulations T that is awesome! I'm so excited for you and John!

  3. I called it from conception! I'm the baby genie!!! I'm so damn happy for you. I can't wait to meet him and spoil him like crazy. Auntie J is gonna teach him everything.....EVERYTHING!!!! LOL!

  4. Yaaaaaaay!!!! Hurray for a healthy baby boy :)
    He and Bax can be buds!

  5. Congratulations!!!!!!!!! So excited for this news! Now you can go add to that baby registry! ;-)

  6. Congrats on your baby boy! :-)

  7. a boy... that is so wonderful. We won't know sex til we get to India so we've decided whether our little ones are girls or boys, they will wear a lot of pink and white!

  8. Hooray...I guessed it correctly. I never do so I'm excited for me but I'm more excited for you. How fun. Now we can compare notes as to what gross things our boys are doing: playing in mud, picking boogers, and catching slimey things.

  9. Yaaaay!! It's BOYS all around right now! So happy for you guys. xoxo


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