The 3D place was SO awesome that they sent us extra pictures AND had almost 10 additional minutes of video for us! Very cool of them.. We might even have Christy go back when she is farther along so we can have some fat face video to compare to when he is born... Even the torrential rain couldn't spoil my day and that's saying something! We are 100% sure he is a boy, but we have the gender ultrasound coming up with the OB next month, so that's just another picture of our precious boy we can't wait see! He grows SO much from ultrasound to ultrasound! He looks perfect and we can't wait to hold him in our arms..
It's funny because once we got the video and watching it, I had like this "flood" of milk and had to go pump, so I am VERY encouraged that once he is here I will be able to supply what he needs or come close to it, it was a very powerful feeling!! I ending up pumping 2 oz (which is not the norm for a night pumping for me!) so I had a total of 8.5oz today and I am still on 2 cups of tea a day, plus my normal supplements and the domperidone.. I am hoping to get up to 15oz a day by next week! Will keep y'all posted on how things are going. I plan to up my tea to 3-4 cups a day and keep all supplements the same. OK off to bed, a big day of looking at baby stuff in stores tomorrow!
This sounds amazing...I can't wait to see little man...